GUIDES published on 26 Aug 2021

Digital Transformation Initiative Playbook

The Digital Transformation Initiative (DTI) Playbook is designed to help public service media practitioners change their organizations. While its companion publication, the DTI Casebook, shows what digital transformation looks and feels like at the level of individual projects, the Playbook is more action-oriented. Building on the same core DTI Enablers Framework, it sets out a methodology for planning, designing, and executing a digital transformation programme.

The Playbook divides the transformation journey into five stages, each with three suggested ‘plays’ to help guide the implementation of that stage. Case studies appearing throughout the publication illustrate how different EBU Members have undertaken these steps in practice. And there is also a series of “Transformation Fundamentals”, issues that sit across the stages and plays and that will certainly come up at some point on the journey.

The five stages set out in the DTI Playbook are:

  1. Mobilize: starting your journey
  2. Define: your vision and roadmap
  3. Execute: implementing the plan
  4. Scale: widening the impact
  5. Embed: self-sustaining transformation

The appendices to the Playbook provide information about other useful resources, including different EBU programmes and initiatives that Members can draw upon to support their transformation journey.